Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Who is to blame for the political situation in Africa?

Africa is a beautiful continent made up of beautiful people with diverse cultures and identities. Some of the world supreme and most attractive animals originate from Africa. Every year, many tourists from all over the sphere flood the African continent to witness these mesmerizing cultures of different tribes. Africa is the place to be during winter.  A sun-bath along the beaches is a thing to look forward to. The coastline has breathtaking sites and horizons. A bottle of palm wine cools the nerves and the cool breeze takes away your troubles just for a moment. Many documentaries have been made depicting the beauty of Africa; not forgetting the courteous, generous and hospitable nature of its gorgeous people.

However, despite this beauty, this continent is ailing. It takes a keen eye to notice that behind those beautiful smiles and white teeth, Africa is weeping.  Africa is in a deplorable state. Its beautiful species are dwindling by day. Its exotic plants are getting depleted with each passing day. Even though this continent is endowed with numerous mineral deposits and precious stones, Africa still weeps. The main question is, “Who is to blame for the current state of affairs in the African continent?

Before the arrival of missionaries, slave traders and explorers, Africa lay quiet, safe, sound and unperturbed by the world yonder. Africans lived in peaceful coexistence with their brothers and neighbours. Of course, occasionally, there were sporadic clashes here and there, sometimes due to cattle rustling and sometimes due to sheer malice. We are told that witches and wizards existed and practiced their trade, sometimes causing mayhem. Medicine men treated the ailing. Customs were established which acted as guiding principles of how to live and relate with one other. Informal education was passed down from parents and grandparents to the young ones and the youth by word of mouth. Many beautiful oral narratives were crafted and narrated with gusto by the elderly men and women, as if they were truly there when it all occurred. Such stories, legends, songs, dances were passed down from generation to generation with a little bit of exaggeration here and there. Some of these stories were simply created to scare the younger generation and deter them from engaging in vices. A girl learned how to take care of the family and perform here roles as a woman. The man had to undergo a rite that qualified him for his role as a man, husband and provider. Clad in animal skin, everybody was happy with the simple lifestyle. Rules were observed and iniquities were punished appropriately.

But all this has changed. Africa is no longer the same again. Children no longer jump and scream dashing around the compound naked and barefoot, chasing after lizards and butterflies. Mothers no longer sit in the fields gossiping about their numerous husbands. Neighbours no longer greet each other “good morning” or “good afternoon” as it used to be. The youth no longer respect the elderly. Girls no longer perform their roles as it were. Elders no longer decide cases with fairness. Conflicts are no longer rare. Today Brother rises up against brother, wife against husband and child against father. When did the rain start beating Africa?

Today Africans identify each other by tribe and matrimonial home. Neighbours approach each other with suspicion. Boundaries have been established and guarded by sword and blood. This brother is no longer brother. The leaders that replaced the dynasties no longer serve the people that bestowed them to power. Africa is now infested with hunger, diseases and strives. Life is unbearable. Gun blazing has become the norm. Wails of women and children fill the air as they mourn the fallen heroes; fell by the sword of the brothers they elected to be custodians of law and order.

When colonialists went to Africa, they arrived armed with a sword and a Bible. They crafted laws that outlawed anything “primitive”. They destroyed the traditional fabric that held African people together. They developed some under-hand ways of ruling over the black man and forcing him into submission. They found Africans united and this proved to be a challenge to the colonialists because a people united can never be defeated. They therefore came up with the famous “divide and rule” theory. They demarcated the land into countries and further into smaller regions known as counties and sub-counties. They imposed a leader in each region and they soon succeeded to subdue the black man who was armed with nothing but a spear and primitive tools. Bullet sounds wrung the air and sent the terrified natives scampering for safety. When the colonialists left, for nothing stays forever, their place was quickly taken over by the village chiefs they had recruited to assist them rule the black man. Such people continued to practice what they had learned and even perfected the art further. They grabbed land that didn’t belong to them. They displaced populations. They created animosity. They enjoyed the civilization brought in by the colonial governments and ensured that it remained a privilege of the lucky few. Those segregated become bitter and hostile. Such regions quickly become breeding grounds for fundamentalism and terrorism.  It is a good thing that Colonial governments volunteered to spread civilization to Africa but maybe….just maybe…they left too early before the change they had introduced took root.

Today the youth complete their university education, their faces beaming with hope and expectation, only to be replaced by frowning eye brows. The good life is now a mirage. Their knuckles pain due to countless knocks on closed doors, looking for jobs. Man and woman no longer marry; no food to put on the table, they say. Development is scattered. Only few regions that are deemed to be loyal to the government of the day receive favors. Whom do we blame for all this?

Africans go to vote, but the minority always wins. Then there are clashes. Losers stick to power like a vampire leach on that tender part of your body. People die like flies. But they (leaders) would rather rule over corpses than submit to defeat. They vehemently stick to power with their hands and legs. Power corrupts even the most innocent. Such are the people that rally their tribesmen to protect “their” leadership. “It’s our time to eat”, so they say. The ignorant citizens believe them and do just that, even when it means killing their neighbors - the people they have known all their life. The neighbor with whom their children go to school and play together oblivious of the animosity that is brewing between their parents. The same ignorant fools vote for and protect the corrupt, the evil and the selfish. Years drag by and they see no change forthcoming. And the citizens cry how difficult life has become. But they still vote in the same people that have been in power since their independence and have never brought in any positive change. Once they (those in power) are gone, their children take over. So the dynasty continues only that now this one is given “democratically”. Things get from bad to worse. So, who is to blame?

By Prince.

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Side effects of multiple abortions

Abortion is a tricky subject. Some people may argue that they have a right to abort. To others, abortion is a criminal offence and against moral beliefs. Others argue in terms of the medical perspective, that it leads to certain complications and may affect a woman in one way or another.
Many argue that medically, abortion has no side effects to the human body except of course for psychological reactions like guilt, sadness, stress and regret and sometimes leading to sexual dysfunction, anxiety and low self-esteem. Proponents of such arguments consider such side effects as minor. But the main question is, are multiple abortions a health risk?
Women need to know that abortion has side effects. The severity of these side effects depends on the expertise of the doctor that performs it and the number of times abortion is performed. Sometimes the side effects are not immediate and may take several months or years to manifest.
What are the side effects of multiple abortions?
·         According to the 1997 Finland research sponsored by the Government, women who abort are four times more likely to die in the following year as compared to women who do not. According to the research, 60% were most likely going to die of natural causes, seven times more likely to die of suicide, four times more likely to die of injuries related to accidents and fourteen times more likely to die from homicide due to suicidal or risk-taking behaviour. Legal abortion is the leading cause of maternal deaths in the USA. Remember, numbers don’t lie.
·         A similar study done in Denmark and published in 2012 discovered that the risk of death increases with each abortion, 45% after one abortion, 114% after two abortions, and 192% after three or more abortions.
·         Women with a history of abortion face higher risk of having cervical cancer. Those that have performed two or more abortions face double the risk. The unnatural disruption of pregnancy and hormonal imbalance could be the likely cause for this.
·         Thirdly, women who have performed abortion more than three times are more likely to have premature delivery as compared to those who haven’t. This risk increases with every induced abortion. Abortion also increases the risk of delayed birth.
·         Studies also indicate that chances of miscarriage are higher in women that have undergone abortion.
·         Repeated abortions lead to labor complications which subsequently lead to abnormal development of placenta in later pregnancies which then causes disabilities in newborn babies.
·         Repeated abortions increase the risk of ectopic pregnancies which are life threatening and main cause for infertility.
·         Repeated abortions lead to poor health. Studies show that there was 80% increase in the number of doctor visits by women that performed abortion, a clear indication of deteriorating health of such women.
·         Multiple abortions could also lead to the perforation of the uterus. This in turn may lead to additional complications and injuries that may affect later pregnancies.
·         Repeated abortions is also linked to behavioral changes like drug abuse, eating disorders, promiscuity which could be as a result of the psychological effects like trauma and low self-esteem.
·         Abortion could also lead to the damage of reproductive organs.
Other effects of abortion include:
·         Damage to the cervix.
·         Related infections.
·         Heavy and consistent bleeding.
·         Eventual death.

With chances of experiencing such complications, it is paramount that one seeks advice from an experienced medical practitioner before even trying it out. In the event of unavoidable circumstances like rape and terminal diseases, one is advised to seek professional counseling to alleviate the psychological effects.

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Things That Make Girls Single.

Many beautiful ladies in their twenties find themselves in this awkward position of being single. Some would claim that they enjoy being single; after all it’s their life and they have a right to live it the way they care! But is this true? That they love being single?
Many would publicly announce that they are happy single ladies, leading a free life; partying and having fun. That they don’t have this guy that ties them down. This guy whom you have to share a life with, sometimes compromising your dreams, aspirations, and hobbies for the sake of the relationship - after all that is what love is all about! However, you will find the same ladies locked up in their rooms at night or during the weekend, gloomy and depressed watching their favourite soap operas and chewing on chocolates and biscuits.  Fantasizing about this handsome young man and Crying in the process. Wishing that they had this one man to embrace them.  Hold them. Kiss them. But all that they have is a teddy bear. So here we have two faces, one of this happy free bird with a smiling face but on the other hand this this sad lady that is slowly swinging into depression sometimes working so hard to compensate the vacuum by over indulging in some things. Some even get obese due to constant consumption of sugary stuff. So here are a few things that ladies do that keep them single. I would wish to know what you think:
1.      Independent Woman.
Most ladies would wish to be at the same level with men. There’s nothing wrong with that. We must appreciate this. However, let’s admit that the two species are different. In fact the anatomy speaks it all. You want to learn the difference between male and female? Watch animal documentaries. You will discover that every gender has a clearly stipulated role to play. The queen of bees lays eggs. The female of a lion does the hunting while the male marks the territory and does the fighting. Then why should things be different when it comes to humans. Of late, women want to be equal to or more than equal to men. Don’t get me wrong. I support this. However, some women over do it. A man’s ego is a very delicate thing that needs to be massaged. Girls, let men be men. And you will never have any trouble at home. Allow your man to be the boss; don’t compete with him.

2.      Lifestyle.
What kind of lifestyle do you lead? Are you a party maniac? How much booze can you take down? I know it sounds rather normal. But let’s go back to our analogy of the animal kingdom. When animals come together to mate, they are looking for the perfect mate; the strongest, the healthiest. Only the strongest drone gets to met with the queen. Only the strongest lion gets to have the female. A man instinctively looks for a girl that would be a good mother for his children. Now what does an intoxicated woman look like? Your guess is as good as mine. A serious guy is looking for a mother of his children so watch what you do.

3.      Friends.
What kinds of friends do you keep? Are they the kind of friends that build or destroy you? Friends can betray you. Some friends might be single, and might be working so had to ensure that you also remain that way so that you can keep on doing all the “great” things you do together. Some friends can lead you into irresponsible lifestyle full of drugs and partying. A little bit of that is harmless but if you overdo it? It can lead into addiction. Some friends make you feel like you are in the wrong relationship. They will talk about the expensive gifts, the brand new car or the holiday to some exquisite sites sponsored by the boyfriend. Then you remember your guy that is still trying to make it in life, he can’t afford all this? You feel he’s inadequate. You feel bad. And you ask for a break. Soon you get into another relationship and another. But it doesn’t work out.

4.      Sex life.
How many guys have you been seen around with? Many men are jealous. They wouldn’t wish to be in a relationship with a woman that has had sexual escapades with a majority of guys in the neighborhood. This is one challenge that beautiful girls have to deal with. Everyone wants to sleep with you. Very few want to commit. If you get so generous with your cookie, then everybody might pop in to have a bite and run away.

5.      Over expectation.
Are you the kind of person that always thinks that grass is always greener on the other side? Still waiting for the prince in the shining armor to come sweep you off your feet? That every boy you see around is inadequate for you? That’s where some ladies go wrong. Instead of starting off with a guy and building that perfect relationship, some girls still hope to start from the top. So they push away the would-be suitors who then lose interest and move on. While you wait for that perfect guy, your friends are marrying. One day you discover that you are the only one left. This is when you start making mistakes. Hooking up with all the wrong guys in desperation. Things go from bad to worse after a number of break-ups, you give up hope for love.

6.      Habbits
Do you have annoying habits? Some ladies have a problem with hygiene. Many of you might not know it but men are clean, at least the majority that I know. But a dirty woman is disastrous. Personal hygiene is number one. But some ladies have issues with cleanliness and tidiness. This would mean once a man gets to know this, they fly off. So one ends up dating a number of men who run away as soon as they discover the little secret.

I would like to hear what you guys got to say about this topic. Please contribute either refuting or adding.