Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Things That Make Girls Single.

Many beautiful ladies in their twenties find themselves in this awkward position of being single. Some would claim that they enjoy being single; after all it’s their life and they have a right to live it the way they care! But is this true? That they love being single?
Many would publicly announce that they are happy single ladies, leading a free life; partying and having fun. That they don’t have this guy that ties them down. This guy whom you have to share a life with, sometimes compromising your dreams, aspirations, and hobbies for the sake of the relationship - after all that is what love is all about! However, you will find the same ladies locked up in their rooms at night or during the weekend, gloomy and depressed watching their favourite soap operas and chewing on chocolates and biscuits.  Fantasizing about this handsome young man and Crying in the process. Wishing that they had this one man to embrace them.  Hold them. Kiss them. But all that they have is a teddy bear. So here we have two faces, one of this happy free bird with a smiling face but on the other hand this this sad lady that is slowly swinging into depression sometimes working so hard to compensate the vacuum by over indulging in some things. Some even get obese due to constant consumption of sugary stuff. So here are a few things that ladies do that keep them single. I would wish to know what you think:
1.      Independent Woman.
Most ladies would wish to be at the same level with men. There’s nothing wrong with that. We must appreciate this. However, let’s admit that the two species are different. In fact the anatomy speaks it all. You want to learn the difference between male and female? Watch animal documentaries. You will discover that every gender has a clearly stipulated role to play. The queen of bees lays eggs. The female of a lion does the hunting while the male marks the territory and does the fighting. Then why should things be different when it comes to humans. Of late, women want to be equal to or more than equal to men. Don’t get me wrong. I support this. However, some women over do it. A man’s ego is a very delicate thing that needs to be massaged. Girls, let men be men. And you will never have any trouble at home. Allow your man to be the boss; don’t compete with him.

2.      Lifestyle.
What kind of lifestyle do you lead? Are you a party maniac? How much booze can you take down? I know it sounds rather normal. But let’s go back to our analogy of the animal kingdom. When animals come together to mate, they are looking for the perfect mate; the strongest, the healthiest. Only the strongest drone gets to met with the queen. Only the strongest lion gets to have the female. A man instinctively looks for a girl that would be a good mother for his children. Now what does an intoxicated woman look like? Your guess is as good as mine. A serious guy is looking for a mother of his children so watch what you do.

3.      Friends.
What kinds of friends do you keep? Are they the kind of friends that build or destroy you? Friends can betray you. Some friends might be single, and might be working so had to ensure that you also remain that way so that you can keep on doing all the “great” things you do together. Some friends can lead you into irresponsible lifestyle full of drugs and partying. A little bit of that is harmless but if you overdo it? It can lead into addiction. Some friends make you feel like you are in the wrong relationship. They will talk about the expensive gifts, the brand new car or the holiday to some exquisite sites sponsored by the boyfriend. Then you remember your guy that is still trying to make it in life, he can’t afford all this? You feel he’s inadequate. You feel bad. And you ask for a break. Soon you get into another relationship and another. But it doesn’t work out.

4.      Sex life.
How many guys have you been seen around with? Many men are jealous. They wouldn’t wish to be in a relationship with a woman that has had sexual escapades with a majority of guys in the neighborhood. This is one challenge that beautiful girls have to deal with. Everyone wants to sleep with you. Very few want to commit. If you get so generous with your cookie, then everybody might pop in to have a bite and run away.

5.      Over expectation.
Are you the kind of person that always thinks that grass is always greener on the other side? Still waiting for the prince in the shining armor to come sweep you off your feet? That every boy you see around is inadequate for you? That’s where some ladies go wrong. Instead of starting off with a guy and building that perfect relationship, some girls still hope to start from the top. So they push away the would-be suitors who then lose interest and move on. While you wait for that perfect guy, your friends are marrying. One day you discover that you are the only one left. This is when you start making mistakes. Hooking up with all the wrong guys in desperation. Things go from bad to worse after a number of break-ups, you give up hope for love.

6.      Habbits
Do you have annoying habits? Some ladies have a problem with hygiene. Many of you might not know it but men are clean, at least the majority that I know. But a dirty woman is disastrous. Personal hygiene is number one. But some ladies have issues with cleanliness and tidiness. This would mean once a man gets to know this, they fly off. So one ends up dating a number of men who run away as soon as they discover the little secret.

I would like to hear what you guys got to say about this topic. Please contribute either refuting or adding.

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